Windows Silent Installation
This guide describes a silent installation process for deploying drivers and software on Windows systems, designed to automate setup without user interaction. This approach simplifies deployment, making it ideal for consistent and efficient configuration across multiple systems.
Installation Procedure
Download the following files into a single folder:
- Installation script:
- 7-zip (auto-downloaded if missing):
- NVIDIA driver (refer to release notes for the appropriate version)
- SupremeRAID™ Driver (use the latest version from release notes, ensuring only one driver package is present)
Navigate to the folder containing the files using PowerShell or CMD, then run the installation script:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File silent_install.ps1
After Windows driver 1.2.4, a web-based management console has been introduced, requiring users to set a password for the admin user. This password can also be passed via the silent installation script:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File silent_install.ps1 -admin-password <Your-Password>
Allow the script to complete, which will install all dependencies and the SupremeRAID™ driver automatically.
For systems without internet access, transfer all files to the target system and run the script directly.
Customize the script as needed to suit specific requirements.